Friday, April 15, 2011

28 week apt on 4/14/2011

So I had my 28 week apt yesterday on 4/14/11 everything is looking Good My blood pressure was elevated a bit but nothing to be of to much concern as of right now. except now I know why I have been getting horrible headaches lately. I am measuring pretty much right on perhaps a bit bigger because he said he is pretty sure she is about 3 pounds right now. which is very good because average for right now is about 2 1/2 lbs :) Her heart rate was nice and strong and perfect at 152... However sadly I gained 6 flippn pounds in only 2 weeks but i guess that's ok because im sure a whole lot of that weight is water weight because im starting to swell up. and if it isn't water weight well then that's ok to because I was so sick in my 1st and 2nd tri. that I lost so much weight that Its pretty much like I haven't gained anything compared to pre pregnancy weight... :)